Publication of European Respiratory Society Statement

The European Respiratory Society Task force for harmonised standards for lung cancer registration and lung cancer services in Europe recognised the need to create a single dataset for use in pan-European data collection, and a manual of standards for European lung cancer services

Existing national and international datasets were reviewed with the results of a survey of clinical data collection on lung cancer in 35 European countries. These two different sources of evidence were considered by the multidisciplinary taskforce which included input from the ELF lung cancer patient advisory group. A similar process was followed for the manual of lung cancer services where existing guidelines and national or international recommendations for lung cancer services were used to develop a manual of standards for services in Europe.

Essential and minimum datasets for lung cancer registration were developed to enable all countries to collect the same essential data and some to collect data with greater detail. A manual specifying standards for lung cancer services in Europe was developed.

Despite the wide variation in the socio-political landscape across Europe, the ERS is determined to encourage the delivery of high-quality lung cancer care. The manual of lung cancer services and minimum dataset for lung cancer registration will both support this aspiration.

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