Bronchiectasis factsheets

Factsheet in multiple languages

Developed in consultation with bronchiectasis experts from the European Respiratory Society and patients and caregivers from the European Lung Foundation's bronchiectasis patient advisory group. This factsheet summarises the 'About bronchiectasis' and 'Treatment' information on this website in an easy download. Find your language below:

Website resources and online communities

Online resources and discussion forums in your language

These online resources have been recommended by people with experience of bronchiectasis.

We do not endorse or moderate any of these resources or online groups so do think about the details you share and check any advice offered with a healthcare professional.

Guidelines on diagnosis and treatment

ERS guidelines on the management of bronchiectasis

These guidelines from ERS (European Respiratory Society) include the most appropriate investigation and treatment strategies for bronchiectasis and were produced by a group of experts on the topic, based on the best available published evidence.

A summary written for people with bronchiectasis to help you understand what was recommended in the original guidelines is available in the following languages: